On June 14th of this year Ryan and I decided to begin the adoption process for an international adoption. We have always felt the Lord was calling us to adopt and while we were in Florida for a conference the Lord told us "Now!" I had joked with Ryan about how for our Two Year Anniversary (June 14) he could give me a baby. We both laughed it off. On the 14th around lunchtime I received a text from Ryan that read, "I want to start the adoption process. The Lord's calling is clear." I was ecstatic that I received my gift after all.
Since then we have chosen an adoption agency, been accepted, and now here we are watching the Lord supply the funds a little along the way. We're currently working on our first big fundraiser event. We will be having a yard sale on October 2nd (6 a.m.-4 p.m.) in Wake Forest, NC. The address is 3106 Heritage Trade Drive Wake Forest, 27587 NC. My school, Thales Academy, has been so gracious to lend us their parking lot since we live in an apartment and can't necessarily have a yard sale here. We're praying the Lord will supply us with items/donations we can sell. We've only been married two years and don't have much to sell of our own. We're hoping to be the "Goodwill" for the community and be able to accept others' excess and clutter. If you'd like to donate to our yard sale please contact one of us (Sarah- mrs.clopton@live.com, Ryan- clop2090@hotmail.com). Our yard sale ad can be found here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=14600156&fbid=10150254608070467&id=747465466&ref=nf#!/event.php?eid=125465197502509&ref=mf
Please pray that we would remember and glorify the Lord's providence and that we would use every opportunity to use our adoption as a means to share the Gospel. What better a message of the Gospel than adopting an orphan into our home and family; after all, the Lord has adopted us as His children. We were once without a Father or a home.
Thanks for sharing the story! I'll pray for you both on this wonderful journey and blessing.
Melissa (Redwood) Melton